Thursday, February 6, 2020

Will There Be A 27?

The Stephanie Plum series is one I've come to rely on for it's consistency. You always know what you are going to get with Stephanie so it's a cozy, comfort series.

Until now.

Just kidding. It's still the series you love but, did you notice something different?? As I was reading, I kept noticing changes from the norm. And I liked them!

Grandma Mazur decides to get re-married. Most unfortunately, her new husband, local gangster Jimmy Rosolli, drops dead 45 minutes into the marriage.  Grandma is both upset and soaking in the attention of being Jimmy's widow. Jimmy was the Keeper of the Keys. No one has any idea what that means, but his fellow gangsters really want them back. They're targeting Grandma since they are sure she has them.

Stephanie does everything in her power to keep Grandma safe while trying to figure out where the keys are and keeping up with her job as a bounty hunter.

When Stephanie starts really bringing in her bounties (alive and without a lot of mishap) with Lula, I raised an eyebrow. Is Stephanie getting good at her job? When Grandma starts handing out, dare I say, profound advice, I raised an eyebrow. Is Grandma mellowing?

I really appreciated this book and the last line and page of the book make me curious where it's going...

I was smiling too. "Fortune and glory, Grandma. Fortune and glory. Let's go find a treasure."

Does this mean the next book will not have a number title? Are we going off in a different direction?? We get a hint of a new character coming in 27 here.

I can't wait to find out!

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