Friday, July 3, 2020

Wow, No Thank You

I'm so very behind in reading the books sent to me from Nowhere Bookshop for the Fantastic Strangelings book club. Not because the books are not good, they truly are, but so are so many other books calling my name!

I signed up for the Nowhere Bookshop event where Jenny Lawson and Samantha Irby talk about Irby's new book, wow, no thank you, and just about weird things in general. It was a fun/funny event!

Irby's latest book is a series of essays so it's super simple to read one and go do dishes. Read one on your lunch then go back to work. And they are hysterical! At first, I did wonder why there was so much about poop and Irby's digestive system and I remembered before I read it, she has Crohn's Disease. I had Ulcerative Colitis, a sibling of Crohn's, and yeah, I still make a lot of poop jokes and I talk about my guts and jacked up body a lot too. I'm just not nearly as funny.

I had previously read Irby's other book We Are Never Meeting In Real Life, and again, hysterical. She brought up her first book, Meaty, in one of the essays and I feel like, yeah, I'm reading her backwards, but I'll have to read Meaty too.

While I would recommend reading all of the essays in wow, no thank you, I have to say Country Crock and A Guide to Simple Home Repairs made me laugh hard if only because I get it. Country living in a Republican state can be....different. And having your first house with all the things that can go wrong...and still go wrong... is funny when it's someone else dealing with it.

“The closer I creep toward the precipice of forty, the more time I spend listening to the same songs I listened to in high school and combing through surprisingly vivid memories of my time there, which is wild, because I did not actually have a good time being young!”
 Good stuff. Perfect for, well, right about now! Get a copy!

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