Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sometimes I need help

I finished reading the second book in the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. Sometimes, I really wish there was an easy graphic to help explain who the characters are. I feel that fantasy and sci-fi have such creative names that I tend to get lost on who is who.

It didn't help that I had read the first book so long ago.

Either way, I still like this series! I felt this was a bit draggy. We knew early on the Elend (now King Ruler) and his kingdom were about to be attacked and taken over and, while there was action to be had, it took awhile to resolve that issue. "Issue" she says, like having your city invaded is just an issue.

Vin is still the mighty assassin, out to protect Elend, king AND lover. But we enter Zane. Another Mistborn who is trying to convince Vin that Elend is using her and Mistborns should be free to....kill at will? I admit, this part was confusing.

A spy has infiltrated the inner sanctum and everyone is suspecting everyone. Or, not. Because everyone but Vin seems highly unconcerned about this. Honestly, I think it was one plot point too many to keep track of for the characters. They were worried about defending their city!

Elend's own father is one of the leaders at his door trying to steal everything. As much as Elend tries to reason with him, it's not to be.  Towards the end is where the action ramps up, with literally everything happening and dissolving and truths becoming known. It was hard to keep up with but I quite enjoyed it!

I am hoping to grab the next one before I forget everything I just read.

This will be cool as SHIT if they make this happen!
Mistborn movie

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