Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Knitlandia: A Knitter Sees The World by Clara Parkes

If I have a knitting bucket list, and I do, Clara just made me add more to it. Some of her adventures were already on my list (Rhinebeck, Maryland Sheep and Wool) but how little did I know of the world of knitting and fiber out there. I must get myself educated!

I own several of Clara's books - the way she researches fiber and presents her completely in-depth knowledge of knitting and fiber makes me feel like this just isn't a hobby, this is passion and life. I'm glad I grabbed this book from the library. It got me through a day of airports and traveling!

Knitlandia consists of 17 essasys about Parke's traveling around the world on fiber adventures. If you are a pretty hardcore knitter, you will recognize a lot of the places she's been and her friends that she meets. If you aren't a knitter, just read it anyways! You don't need to know the people because the essays are adventurous enough on their own (and it may encourage you to pick up sticks and string too!).

The places in America that she hits are doable for me: New Mexico, New York, Denver, Maryland, etc. But the overseas adventures - that will take some doing: Iceland (Oh this sounded like a grand trip!), Paris, Edinburgh.

I'm ready to travel.Who's with me??

Knitlandia: A Knitter Sees the World --Purchase from Amazon

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