Saturday, October 9, 2021

Temperance Broke My Slump

 I put the new Anthony Doerr book on hold at my local library and wandered in anyways to browse the new book section. The library set up a contactless way to pick up books that I completely bypassed to go in and fondle books. I've really missed browsing the stacks, let me tell you.

I've been in a slump for everything, really. But especially book reading and writing up reviews. I blame 2021 for feeling like 5 years in one. But I was pretty excited to see a new Kathy Reichs book on the shelf and grabbed it. The Bone Code is the 20th book in the Temperance Brennan series (The TV show Bones is based on this book, and weirdly referenced in the book as a show that Brennan watches). I finished this within a day. Yowza. Slump broken?

Brennan is doing her thing, her forensic anthropologist thing, when a hurricane starts hitting the East coast. After getting through the storm with Birdie, Brennan is contacted by a Charleston coroner because bodies in a box washed up on shore. This happens, sadly, but Brennan heads out to take a look. As she is doing her exam, she realizes the details are nearly identical to a case she dealt with in Quebec fifteen years prior. She heads back to Canada to do more investigating.

Andrew Ryan, her former work partner turned boyfriend, is there to greet her and help with the investigation of the cold case. The case turns hairy pretty quickly when it becomes obvious that Brennan is upsetting folks who want their secrets to stay secret. This was a fast-paced book to a pretty satisfying resolution. 

For the science nerds among us, this is heavy in the science of DNA and vaccines, which is pretty timely, eh? I could see this being fodder for anti-vaxxers but I don't believe they read much so we should be good. If you can keep up with the science and all the acronyms involved, you'll learn a thing or two about how vaccines can be altered to really alter your DNA. 

Interview with the Author

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