Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I Liked My Life by Abby Fabiaschi

This was an interesting premise. Maddy, a seemingly perfect mom/housewife, jumps to her death off of a building and everyone is left to wonder why. Maddy herself is in another realm watching over her husband and teenage daughter, trying to make life better for them now that she is gone.

This could have easily went south and dark but it actually didn't. I admit to being irritated with Maddy. "Why are you playing God with your family now when you chose to leave them?" That thought kept playing in my head as Maddy manipulated feelings and situations to get the outcome she wanted.

Her husband, Brady......I'm shocked anyone stayed married to him, to be honest. Eve, her 17 year old daughter, was a typical selfish teenager. But Eve was the one who really reflected and worked on understanding her mom's suicide. Eve's transformation was partially sad and partially amazing. Brady stays an ass for a while :)

I felt the ending was a bit forced but I'll leave that for you to discover and make your own opinions on! Overall though, this was a really good book that made me reflect on how I treat my loved ones and what I would need to change to make people feel appreciated while they are still here.

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