Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Whispering Room by Dean Koontz

I know I started on book 2, because that was the only one available from the library. Normally, books in a series recap the book before so, even if it's not a stand-alone book, it can still be read like one.

Not here.

I was lost.

We just JUMPED right into Jane Hawk's adventures. Her terrifying, horrifying adventures. I learned enough to understand that people, rich people and the government, want to mind control everyone and shape how the direction the world moves. That's terrifying and just a smidge to on the nose lately. Jane's husband (apparently from the first book), killed himself but only because the nanobots in his brain told him to. The puppet masters didn't want him around.

Cora, a schoolteacher for special needs kids, is another one of the victims of the puppet masters. How in the world she could destroy the future is beyond me, but they decided she needed to go. She killed herself in a fiery explosion that took out many other innocent lives.

Jane's goal is to get to the puppet master himself and make him confess his crimes so she will be believed and not on the FBI's most wanted list. As a fugitive, former FBI, she does a great job stealthily going across the US in search of her answers. She's more prepared for anything than I would ever be!

Luther Tillman, the sheriff in the small town were Cora lived and died, believes something is very wrong. His own sleuthing leads him to Iron Furnace, Kentucky. Jane's already on her way there as well. They end up allies and continue on, saving children and running to safety.

In the end, this book didn't wrap up. It left a lot of questions for us and for Jane. Nothing ended like she had hoped.

For the most part, I enjoyed this, especially Jane. She is going to be a great new lead to get on board with. I did end up skimming quite a bit because the writing was very, very descriptive. I loved the Odd Thomas books but skimmed the descriptions there as well. The inside of a building really doesn't need 4 pages of descriptions.

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