Thursday, December 28, 2017

Paper Girls Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan

Back in November, I read the first volume of Paper Girls. I bought volumes 2 and 3 immediately and finally had time to sit and read them both back to back. I might be poor if I keep using my Kindle to buy more and more volumes of this comic. Geesh.

The end of Volume 1 brought 1988 Erin face to face with 2016 Erin. Volume 2 throws them both together, along with ANOTHER Erin, into a whirlwind of "Now, how did she get here? And how will the other she get back?" goodness. 2016 Erin isn't married, has no children, and pops Xanax. 1988 Erin is a little perturbed by 2016 Erin's language and the pill popping but loves that she is single and without kids. They still need to find KJ (read Volume 1) so Erin and Erin head off to the old, dead mall. Wait, why? Ah, that Apple device 1988 Erin had? It pops a map into 2016 Erin's head to help them get to the Fourth Folding.  Oh, stick with it. It's all pretty much explained.

And there are monsters.

Mac and Tiffany try to find their adult versions, but it ends in devastating news.1988 Erin is proud of 2016 Erin and vice versa. Man, I wonder if young me is happy how old me ended up. Eh, old me is happy.

Anyways, so much fun. Read read!

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